Rosemarie will be a panellist at XIX INTERNATIONAL EURAG CONGRESS: «Shaping the future» through effective participation of all ages
León - Spain, from 06th to 08th November 2008
Let's join her in this blog :)
Learning in Later Life – New challenges for adult education Larnaka, Cyprus, 26th – 30th March 2008 Facilitators: Klitos Symeonides and Jim Soulsby
Dr. Rosemarie Kurz, GEFAS – Academy for Generations
Abstract for "Who is considered an old person?"
Old age consists of ages nearing or surpassing the average life span of human beings and thus the end of the human life cycle. Euphemisms and terms for old people include seniors, elderly, older people etc. As occurs with almost any definable group of humanity, some people will hold a prejudice against others — in this case, against old people. This is one form would be called ageism.
Physical manifestations Old people have limited regenerative abilities and are more prone to disease, syndromes, and sickness than others. Old age can cause wrinkles and liver spots on the skin, change of hair colour to grey or white or loss of hair (or both), lessened hearing and sight abilities, loss of reaction time and agility or reduced ability to think or recall memories.
Definition: The boundary between middle age and old age cannot be defined exactly because it does not have the same meaning in all societies. In many parts of the world, people are considered old because of certain changes in their activities or social roles. Examples: people may be considered old when they become grandparents, or when they begin to do less or different work in retirement. In North America and Europe, people are often considered old if they have lived a certain number of years. The beginning of old age is closely connected with the eligibility of full Social Security benefits.
Old is not a specific age. You can be 45 and be old. But you can also be 70 and be young. It all depends on your health and mind and status in your community.
I think that people can be old even being teenagers.
Youth is something in our soul, wrinkles are not a proof of our age.
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