8 Nov 2008

Sent by Jum

Norbert Malanowski, Rukiye Özcivelek and Marcelino Cabrera

This report aims to support the research and policy development activities of DG Information Society and Media towards the European Research Area. It suggests complementary ways of approaching ageing: addressing the demographic phenomena as a serious challenge for social support systems and considering the opportunities offered by ageing societies, such as new markets for innovative applications. It then highlights the main policy areas related to ageing, where ICT-based applications could play a role, and suggests a number of research and policy challenges that need to be resolved in order to maximise the opportunities offered by ICT.

4 Nov 2008

Who is considered to be old?

Rosemarie will be a panellist at XIX INTERNATIONAL EURAG CONGRESS: «Shaping the future» through effective participation of all ages
León - Spain, from 06th to 08th November 2008
Let's join her in this blog :)

24 Aug 2008

Grundtvig Partnership Projects

Grundtvig Partnership Projects
have just started.
I am looking forward to new inputs to "Learning in Later Life".

I also would like to invite you all to
EDEN 2009 Annual Conference, 10-13 JUNE, 2009, Gdansk, Poland

7 May 2008

Message from Jim

for the blog please
Best wishes

Dear members of the LiLL mailing list,

Please find enclosed an invitation from the University of Graz
Centre for Continuing Education to a one day symposium in
Graz, Austria, on the subject "Inter-generational Learning in
Europe: Partnerships, Policies and Good Practice".

Date: 31.5.2008.

More information about the symposium and its frame project
below, program and registration forms at:

With best regards,
Gabriela Körting
ZAWiW, Ulm University

30 Apr 2008

This message is from Jim

Brussels, 28 April 2008

Bringing younger and older people closer together

AGE and the YFJ call on the EU to promote greater solidarity between generations

On the occasion of the Slovenian EU Presidency conference on “Intergenerational Solidarity for Cohesive and Sustainable Societies” organised in Brdo ( Slovenia ) on 28-29 April, AGE and the European Youth Forum (YFJ) thank Minister Cotman for her decision to initiate a shift in policy-making to promote greater solidarity and cooperation between generations.

“We need to review completely the way we develop our policies to reinforce the social links between generations, to promote a more balanced sharing of responsibilities and to generate equality and justice across European society,” highlighted Anne-Sophie Parent, Director of AGE. “There is an urgent need to address all aspects of intergenerational solidarity in the fields of healthcare, employment, social affairs and equal opportunities,” added Bettina Schwarzmayr, President of the European Youth Forum.

AGE and the YFJ are joining forces to call on the European Commission, EU Member States, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of Regions to bring about a new vision of society based on a greater solidarity between the generations. The two European networks, which together represent millions of younger and older citizens across the EU, believe that certain steps are crucial in ensuring intergenerational cooperation in current and future policy-making:

1. Intergenerational solidarity should become a horizontal objective of the renewed Social Agenda and the Lisbon Strategy. In addition, the Commission should promote the strengthening of solidarity between generations, and integrate this vision into all relevant EU policies.

2. EU Member States should mainstream intergenerational solidarity in their National Reform Programmes and National Reports on Strategies for Social Protection and Social Inclusion in order to promote greater social cohesion and the long-term sustainability of social models.

3. A European level event should be organised on intergenerational solidarity to promote the exchange of good practice and mutual learning in fields such as social protection, education, employment, volunteering, urban development, transport, long-term care and local initiatives.

4. Thanks to the Slovenian EU Presidency, the Spring Council 2008 concluded that “intergenerational solidarity should be considered in all four components of flexicurity”. AGE and the YFJ now call on the Commission to come up with concrete proposals to ensure that the Social Protection Committee (SPC), the Employment Committee (EMCO) and the Economic Policy Committee (EPC) will start working on this.

5. AGE and the YFJ call for the recognition of the importance of combating age discrimination in education, health and other goods and services. In this regard, both platforms would welcome comprehensive EU legislation covering all grounds of discrimination, including age, in all areas of life and not only in the field of employment.

6. Both platforms welcome the Slovenian EU Presidency proposal to launch a ‘European Day on Intergenerational Solidarity’ and to propose a declaration for 2012 to be named as the ‘EU Year on Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity’. Both initiatives will help EU citizens and policy makers to realise that change is necessary if EU Member States are to meet the challenges posed by an ageing population and, ultimately, to achieve a society tailored to all ages.

The members of AGE and the European Youth Forum look forward to taking an active role in any initiatives implemented at the local, national or European levels to promote greater solidarity and cooperation between generations.

8 Apr 2008

Learning in later life (notes from Jim)

Learning in later life

What stops older people from learning?

What is the value of learning in later life?

How do I reach older people?

What would I say to an older person I wished to encourage into learning?

Questions for which I still require answers please?

I wish to find partners please?

Dear Prime Minister

A five minute presentation: -

Why our work is important?

What we do to ensure that our work is of the highest quality

How we can do it?

3 bullet points for each issue?

A statement?

A song?

A drama?

A dance?



Retirement age

Working age



Fertility – birth rates

360 appraisal

Who do I work with?

Who could I work with?

Who could be my champion?

Who could I share my work with?

Where are older people in advising me?

Who could help evaluate my work?

Who would help me sustain my work?

Who do I need to influence?








Older & Bolder


3 Apr 2008

Photos I made

are located at the address sent via e-mail.
I do hope there will be other photo albums available soon.

1 Apr 2008

How about Intergenerational education group?

As I promised you can find some recommended materials at Meeting of Generations Socrates project.
The URL address is http://www.meetgen.org/.
You can copy it to your bookmarks.

31 Mar 2008

I have lost my notes in Larnaca

All my notes, list of participants etc. were lost in the hotel.
If you found them please let me know, I would be very grateful.
Many warm wishes from Gdansk, please help me to reconstruct our schedule and all important issues we worked at during "Learning in Later Life" in Larnaca 2008.